--Please respect our mandatory viewing checklist-- FULL SCREEN, LIGHTS OFF, HEADPHONES ON, VOLUME UP, COMFORTABLY SEATED, FAVORITE DRINK IN HAND, Thank you....

--Please respect our mandatory viewing checklist-- FULL SCREEN, LIGHTS OFF, HEADPHONES ON, VOLUME UP, COMFORTABLY SEATED, FAVORITE DRINK IN HAND, Thank you....

Data Science and Coffee

An espresso demonstration relating data science to coffee making, using the data from a digitized espresso machine for reference.

Primary role: Director, Editor.

Additional Credits: Kyle Carr (Camera), Gary Bain (Gaffer.), Shane Smith (Asst. Camera)

The Science of Cooking

Cooking demonstrations filmed on Cornell campus with faculty partner Chris Loss. Lots of moving parts had to come together to film more than 20 different videos like this one demonstrating key concepts in the course.

Primary roles: Director, Asst. Camera.

Additional Credits: Kyle Carr (Camera, Asst. Director, Edit), Shane Smith (Asst. Camera)

Mentorship and Equity

Part of a larger partnership series, this one was filmed at the University of Maryland. We had a lot of limitations regarding the space that was available, so we worked with what we had to perfect the framing and set dressing to bring the best out of it. We also needed a graphics package to brand the series, after the art boards were complete I did the motion design to turn them into usable templated graphics for the series.

Primary roles: Director, Asst. Camera, Editor, Motion Designer.

Additional Credits: Kyle Carr (Camera), Ana Juan-Gomez (Art Direction)

My Favorite Insects

A promotional video for Cornell’s Insect Collection. Series highlighted multiple expert staff at the collection and involved interviews, b-roll capture and macro photography to be filmed in a single day on location.

Primary roles: Director, Camera, Editor.

Additional credits: Kyle Carr (Asst. Camera + Macro Photography)

Plastic Additives

A series of short materials science videos to be shown during a live streamed interview. Used macro videography here to clearly compare plastic samples with and without a proprietary additive developed by this lab at Cornell.

Primary roles: Director, Editor.

Additional Credits: Chris Tracy (Asst. Camera)


Art For Artists/